It's time to take charge of your career!
More likely than not, you will create a collage of work that sustains and fulfills you. Instead of looking at this as having failed, what if you looked at it as an incredible opportunity to craft a career that zig zags across all aspects of who you are? In this email course, we’re going to dig into tools, resources and actions that will help you expand your mind and spark your potential as a 21st century musician. This requires you to look at multiple aspects of who you are, so let’s get going!
Get ideas, do some soul searching, and propel yourself into action!
This free email course is 7 days of inbox happiness.
Day 1: What acting teaches you about performance [Performance]
Day 2: Assessing your Skills [Business]
Day 3: Endless Possibilities [Career]
Day 4: Lack of Hope + a special guest [Inspiration]
Day 5: Own Your Day [Productivity]
Day 6: Breath as a Reset [Body Wellness]
Day 7: Creativity is an Action [Motivation]
Each day you'll move into ACTION to propel yourself forward! You'll get a few worksheets, access to a couple of videos we love and you will leave with a few ideas that we hope will grow infinitely over time.
Sign up now and see you on the inside!