Are you yearning for a space to take big action on your goals while nourishing yourself with great food, better company & a world of possibility? Do you want to leave behind the distraction of every-day life and get support to clarify and begin taking your next steps? 

If so, we've designed a space for you. To build connection, nourish you, and help you get from where you are to where you're going, we're offering two in-person retreats for musicians this August (2024) in Cincinnati, OH. We know there is great power in sharing a space with our fellow humans. We are excited to give you an experience you'll never forget that embraces the wholeness of who you are.

Career Generator

You probably have a lot of creative ideas. Should you start a chamber group? Apply to teaching jobs? Maybe you want to pivot your work but aren't sure how to merge your skill sets. Or, maybe you just want to revamp your resume, cv, website and digital presence! This retreat will help you clarify what steps you need to take to execute your project(s) and create a career you love. Then, we will jump into the actual work and be alongside you as you generate strategies and commit to the work!


Auditions & Practice Design

Is your dream to win an orchestral audition? Are you looking for steps you can take to up level your preparation & performance? This retreat will introduce strategies to help you create better systems to prepare for auditions, practice with more effectiveness, cope with the mental pressure of the process, and tell an irresistible story to the panel. You'll practice, perform and learn from incredible musicians ready to help you in this journey.

Here's what you can count on: 
  • Get space, accountability, and structure away from the extra noise that surrounds you on a daily basis
  • Address the whole of who you are with focus on wellness, fun, nourishment and work 
  • Learn in workshops and presentations with incredible guests who are musicians, creatives & change-making humans 
  • Take big action in work sessions designed to help you not just know what to do, but actually do it 
  • Get 1:1 guidance in a calm and time-flexible environment
  • Commune with us and others, bringing into reality your ideas and strategies with surrounding support 
  • Eat incredible meals with a community (all dietary preferences welcomed)  
  • Partake in some pet therapy with Lulu, the golden retriever that will capture your heart  


What you'll leave with:
  • More clarity on your values, priorities, and strengths – the foundational elements that fuel all success
  • An outline of your action plan, including high level goals and milestones you’ll be committing to 
  • Results in hand from the work we will do together at the retreat
  • A rejuvenated body & mind – the key to finding clarity and moving forward
  • Friends and connections that will last a lifetime

Hosted in this or similar work space that nourishes collaboration & community. Beautiful spaces that are clean and cozy support the work you are going to do! 

The days will be full of ideas, delicious food and work!


8 am  |  Centering & Body Work

9 am  |  SESSION ONE (Check in + Lesson of the day)

11 am  |  SESSION TWO (Individual/group work)


2 pm  |  SESSION THREE (Guests/activities)

4 pm  |  SESSION FOUR (1:1/lessons)



8 pm  |  Evening Activity



We want you to not only work, but have fun, and experience creative activities that will inspire your work! We'll get your preferences but here are some of our ideas:

Pottery making 

Chocolate Tasting



Locally sourced, fresh food cooked with love. All dietary preferences welcomed and encouraged! A big part of this experience is nourishing you both inside and out. What you eat is a central part of how you feel and we want you to feel awesome!



August 29 - Sept 1, 2024

We will solidify official arrival and departure dates with confirmed participants. The retreat will be 3 full days and 4 nights.



Program: $1500


▷ all workshops, work sessions, 1:1 time

▷ all meals, endless coffee, tea and snacks

▷ daily activities/outings

▷ transportation to and from the airport if needed

▷ gift bag upon arrival


Housing: $250-500

▷ includes a space to sleep for 4 nights

 We can host up to 4 people in the retreat space which will be filled on a first come, first served basis. You will have your own bed with shared bedrooms & bathrooms. 

If you are local to Cincinnati or prefer to make your own accommodation arrangements that is just fine. You would pay the program fee only.


Do note that we are willing to have a conversation with you about receiving financial support if the cost is seriously prohibitive.