"I should practice"

Ever take stock of how many times in your day you say "should"?
I should practice.
I should do the dishes.
I should send that email.
I should make the bed.
I should call the insurance company.
Dealing with this self-talk all day is exhausting. But, you know what?
Only you can change it.
Start training your mind to act. Don't wait. Just empty the dishwasher. It takes 5 minutes. You could start with a countdown of 5-4-3-2-1 when you notice you've said "I should" do something. Count down and then catapult yourself into action.
It doesn't always feel good. You won't always feel like it. You should do it anyway. Sure, sometimes you should take a break. Keyword: sometimes.
Free yourself from the mental burden of not following through.
That's some serious self care.