4 thoughts 4 fall!

Ever feel like the New Year should really be right after Labor Day?! Tiffany here and I feel like fall is the ultimate reset… summer fades and schedules, events, and routine come back with the power of 1400 blazing suns! 🌝 But… actually, I love it. I love a new school year, a new notebook and what it all represents: another chance to reset and focus on the ways I want to impact the world and get after it.
In the spirit of the fall “new year”, we’ve got 4 thoughts for you today on how to make the most of this time between now and the end of the calendar year and some resources that may help you!
- Dream big, but do bigger
- Goals are great. Plans on how to achieve them are better. And actually doing those things? Well, that’s where the money is! Here are a few questions to ask yourself when you go to set a goal:
- What do you have to give up?
- What do you have to do more of?
- What do you need to prioritize?
- What do you need to STOP and START telling yourself?
- How do you need to show up in your life/practice?
- What things do you need to do when things inevitably get challenging?
- Want to really dig into Goal Setting for Success? Come to our Sept 17 workshop all about goal setting taught by yours truly!
- Perform more
- Yes, we’re always saying this and will continue to say it. Have you put performing into your fall practice plan? How about recording? (That is, according to our definition, a version of performing!) Need a challenge? Download the 3-day recording challenge to kickstart this habit!
- Differentiate yourself
- As you create your fall plans, think about how you can differentiate yourself as more than just a player of X instrument. What can you explore that will give you something additive in a conversation about what you do and who you are? In the next 90 days, how can you initiate or develop a new curiosity? And, this could absolutely be within music! Maybe it's digging into a particular period of music more, a composer, a genre, etc.
- Be in charge of your music making
- We were recently in a conversation with Elinor Frey and Dominic Giardino as we gear up for a month of historical performance practice events in October. (Check them out!). Something Dominic said struck us: The power in your music making lies in YOU! How are you informing yourself, making decision, and in the end, owning your music making? Don’t just go through the motions!
So, no matter if you're into #PSLs and just can't get enough of the soon-to-be sweater weather or think fall is just, meh, we hope these ideas kickstart your creativity and get you asking how you can contribute and amp it up while enjoying the rest of 2022! Much love.
ps: If you want in on a ton of incredible events + lessons, join our THRIVE membership. There's so much exciting stuff planned for this fall!