4 Habits of High Achievers

The Harvard Business Review recently detailed four things high achievers have in common, that get this: make them 400% more productive than the average person! You know we love to talk about productivity here at music 360 and how it's not just about getting more things done faster, but using your precious time wisely and toward all the things you care about. The personal growth, the career growth, the contributions you're making to the world! It's all about taking a SMART approach to our practice and preparation and daily tasks so we can avoid overwhelm, find a happy balance in our lives, and be able to serve others!
So what are these 4 things that high achievers have in common!?
1. Tap into your intrinsic motivation.
The HBR says, "High achievers spend time understanding the "why" behind their choices. They get in touch with their deepest motivations, block out distractions, and adjust their current path when they need to."
Put blinders on, be highly focused and stay driven by the bigger purpose. Ask yourself what you're curious about, and what excites you? What books, articles, podcasts or tv shows are you drawn toward and want to explore? Are these things aligned with your work? How can you find ways to bring them into your daily life?
2. Get comfortable with failure.
You've heard this from us ad nauseum, because it's the truest truth there is. In music (and anything) you learn when you DO, and you do when you TRY. You try when you get over the fear of failure. HBR:
"High achievers fear 'not trying' more than they fear failing. When faced with a challenge, they consider alternative strategies, focus on what they can control and ignore distractions."
This means you need to find the brave part of yourself. One way to do this? Get enough sleep. When you're feeling low, it gets harder to find this place of courage. Feed yourself good foods. When your brain is functioning optimally, you'll concentrate better, focus better and do better work. Which feeds self-esteem and belief!
3. Reinforce your foundation.
"High achievers never stop practicing. Even if they've done a task or routine countless times, they still work on the basic skills foundational to their current - and future - success."
Whoa. How's that for a reminder to do your scales?
Never stop practicing, even if you've mastered many aspects of your playing, continue to work on the basic skills that's foundational to your current and future success. What are the must-have skills and how do you keep it and continue improving?
and 4. Become a lifelong learner.
"High achievers don't stop learning. Discussions with mentors, colleagues, peers, and mentees, reading, observing others, watching videos, and listening to podcasts - all inform their knowledge."
We'd add enrolling in programs, taking courses, webinars or classes, learning from experiences, your own students, your community, going to concerts. Keep your mind open, create a positive environment and find a tribe.
These are the mindsets that help you grow, and thus achieve your goals! Not the hustle and bustle of "busy productivity" - but a quiet, thoughtful, focused momentum.