You can purchase the REPLAY for $17!

Or, join the Audition Lab, which starts Oct 10!


In the REAPLY, you get: 

🎥 Unlimited access to all 5 days of classes = 3+ hours of content 
📝 20+ pages of worksheets  
💃 Us doing a happy dance for you  


Topics include:

▶︎ decide which auditions to attend

▶︎ learn about the current audition landscape

▶︎ write a kick ass resumé or c.v.

▶︎ book travel with clarity

▶︎ create an audition book

▶︎ make a listening list

▶︎ consider what rotation system will work for you

▶︎ mental training and preparation

▶︎ physical training and preparation

▶︎ facing fear 

▶︎ facing your thoughts 

▶︎ tons of Q&A's 

Ready to get serious?

Join the Audition Lab! It starts Oct 10!  🎉 🧪 


At some point in time, you may find that you're ready to level up your audition skills and preparation, to learn new possibilities and create a system that delivers results!  

If that sounds likes you, we want to encourage you to join the Audition Lab. The Audition Lab offers a 6 to 12 week group learning experience that gives you detailed guidance from Ralph Skiano about his audition preparation method. 

The Behind the Screen: A Winner's Guide to Preparing Your Next Audition method is not a recipe for you to follow, but a powerful starting point for you to discover 1. a method that worked for someone who thoughtfully and successfully navigated the path and 2. how you can experiment to find out what routines and strategy will work for you! 

Click the button below to learn more. 

Join the Audition Lab